1. Introduction
Whatever someons’s profession or job, at least he ever listen radio broadcast, watch television or film in cinema, read newspaper or magazine. When someone listening radio broadcast, watch television or film in cinema, reading newspaper or watching film actually he dealing with mass media, where it’s media message is directly or indirect is center of influence. This illustration reflect that the pressence of mass communication is continous to hunt people who affected his self toward mass media. All kinds of message through a number of mass media (newspaper, magazine, radio broadcast, television, film, and online media / internet), with serving a variety of event that have minor news value until high news, reflect mass communication process that always strikes human life. For those who do not like read newspaper, at least he will listen broadcast radio or watch television. It means, no one apart from innundation mass media. The illustration above illustrate that mass communication like other forms of communication have at least six unsure, they are : communication, message, media, communicant, the effect, and feedback.
2. Statement of Problem
There are several problem that will discuss in this bab. Some of them are :
1. The definition of mass communication
2. The characteristic of mass communication
3. The role of mass communication
4. The function of mass communication towards society
3. Discussion
a. The Definition of Mass Communication
Mass Communication derived from English term, Mass communication as shortness of mass media communication. It means, communication that use mass media or communication mass mediated. The term of mass communication of communications interpreted as it channel, namely mass media as shortness from media of mass communication. Mass Communication understanding many people, they musn’t located at spesific location, they can spread or sprawl, that in the same time or almost simultaneously can get the message of the same communication.
The definition of mass communication which simplest presented by Bittner, That is mass communication is messages communicated through a mass media to a large number of people. From this definition can be known that mass communication must use mass media. The definition of mass communication which more detailed presented by other communication experts, namely Gerbner. According Gerbner (1967), mass communication is the technologically and institutionally based production and distribution of the most broadly shared continous flow of messages in industrial societies.
b. The Characteristic of Mass Communication
The Characteristic of mass communication as a Follows :
1) Communicator Institutionalized
The first charasteristic of mass communication is communicator. When the message will be delivered through newspaper, then the process is as follows : communicators arrange message in article shape. Furthermore, this message is examined by responsible rubric. From responsible rubric submitted to the editor for examined appropriateness of that message for loaded with the main consideration isn’t infringe the policy from mass media institution. When has feasible, the message is made it’s setting, then examined by corrector, arranged by layoutman. So, the composition is good, made plate, than entered printing press. The last stage after printed is the task of distribution part for distribute newspaper which contribute the message for readers.
2) The Message is general
Mass Communication is opened. It means, mass communication addressed toward all people and doesn’t addressed towards a group of certain people. Therefore, the message of mass communication is general. The message of mass communication can be fact, event, or opinion. Mass communication message which packed in anything form must fulfill the essensial criteria or interesting; or important and exciting for the most of communicant.
3) The Communicant is Anonymous and Heterogeneous
The communicant on mass communication are anonymous and heterogeneous. For inter personal communication, communicator will known the communicant, know the identity, like: name, education, job, residence, even may be know the attitude and behaviour. While in mass communication, the communicator doesn’t know the communicant (anonymous) because the communication use media and doesn’t face to face. Beside anonymous, mass communication communicant is heterogeneous, because consist of many different walks of life which can be grouped by the element: age, sex, education, job, the culture of background, religion, and econimic level.
4) Mass Media Raises Simultaneity
The exceess of mass communication than with other communication are a number of audience or communicant who accomplished much and unlimitted. Even, more than that, many of relatively communicant simultaneously at the same time get the same message.
5) The Communication Prioritize Content than Relationship
Every communication involved element contents and element relationships for inter personal communication. For inter personal communication, the element of relationship is very important. Otherwise, for mass communication, the most important is the element of contents.
6) Mass Communication is One Way
Beside there are characteristic that is the excellence of mass communication than other communication, there are also the characteristic of mass communication which is a weakness. Shortly, mass communication is a communication by using or through mass media because through mass media, the communication and communicant don’t doing direct contact. The communicator active convey message, the communicant also active received message. However, between the, can’t dialogue as well as occured in inter personal communication. Thus, mass communication is one way.
7) Limitted Sensory Stimulation Tool
Another characteristic of mass communication that can be considered one of the weakness is limited sensory stimulation tool. For inter personal communication which face to face, then all sensory tool communicators, communicator and communicants can be used maximum. Both sides can look, hear directly, even may be feel. In mass communication, sensory stimulation tool depends on the type of mass media.
8) Feedback Delayed
The component of feedback or the more popular with named feed back is the important element in any form of communication. The effectiveness of communication often can be looked from feedback which delivered by communicant. This feedback is directly (Direct feedback) or immediate feedback.
c. The Role of Mass Media
Obviously, communication through mass media can penetrate part of our life. We listening radio broadcast when driving a car or staying at home, reading newspaper in the morning and the afternoon, watch television in the evening, although our motif applying ourselves toward the different content of media. A history professor will read article in mass media that can increase the quality of his profession. Besides, reading news in the middle of his routine activity that is very dense and tiring.
d. The Function of Mass Communication Towards Society
According to Dominick, the function of mass communication consists of Surveillance (Supervision), Interpretation, Linkage, Submission of values (Spread of Values), and Entertainment.
1) Surveillance (Supervision)
The oversight function of mass communication divided into the main form; Warning of beware survaillance; Instrumental surveillance. The function of warning surveillance happened when mass media informed about the threat from tornado, the eruption of the mount; The effect of condition which concern; impression inflation or a military attack. The function of instrumental surveillance are delivery or spread information that have a function or can help public in daily activities.
2) Interpretation
The function of interpretation almost similar with surveilance function. Mass media not only supplying fact or data, but also giving interpretation toward the important events. Organization or Media industry choose and decide the events which loaded or aired. The purpose of media interpretation want to invite readers or viewers to broaden horizons and discuss it further in inter-personal communication or group communication
3) Linkage
Mass media can unify the member of society which diverse so establish linkage based on the common of interests about something. The group which have the common interests but separate geographically attributed or connected with media.
4) Submission of Values (Spread of Values)
This function also called sosialization. Sosialization refers to the way, where individual adopt behaviour and the values of mass media groups which represent that society illustration watched, listened, and read. Mass media show us how they act and what are they expected. In other words, media represent us with message model which we observe and hope to emulate. Among of mass media, television is very potentially for occurs sosialization in young children, expecially the children that had exceed sixteen years.
5) Entertainment
It’s difficult to argue that in fact almost all of mass media perform entertainment function. Television is mass media who prioritizes entertainment course, almost three-quarter the form of broadcast. Television everyday is an entertainment show, and so is radio. The function from mass media as enterteinment function doesn’t another is decrease the tention of public mind, because with read soft news or watch the impression of entertainment in television can make the public mind fresh again.
4. Conclusion
From the statement above, there are some point that can be concluded, among of them are:
a) Mass communication as shortness of mass media communication. It means, communication that use mass media or communication mass mediated
b) The characteristic of mass communication are : Communicator Institutionalized, The message is general, The Communicant is Anonymous and Heterogeneous, Mass Media Raises Simultaneity, The Communication Prioritize Content than Relationship, Mass Communication is One Way, Limitted Sensory Stimulation Tool, and Feedback Delayed
c) According to Dominick, the function of mass communication consists of Surveillance (Supervision), Interpretation, Linkage, Submission of values (Spread of Values), and Entertainment
5. Closing
Finally, this is the final from our paper, Hopefully it can be useful. We apologize if there are any mistake in this paper. Constructive criticims and suggestions are very needed to repair this and next paper.
By: Muhammad Dwi Ari Purwa.
NIM : 101211069
The importance of mass communication has reached even businesses. Companies acquire their own 1800 Number for them to communicate better.